Behind the Scenes

Steve Harms Creative Director

Steve graduated from San Francisco State University where he majored in Film Directing and Animation Production. He began his career in Santa Cruz, CA as an artist with Curious Labs, original developers of Moho and Poser animation software, where he was tasked with Graphic Design, Animation & 3D Content.

Hungry to explore a wider array of creative and technical challenges, he launched what started as a one-man studio in Silicon Valley, and today, he mans the helm at HIGH DEF. Steve believes, "Video, Animation and Graphics are more than just pixels on a screen. Like ancient cave drawings lit by fire, they satisfy our primal need for storytelling and keep the flame of magic alive in our collective imagination.”

tasha larson Designer & Animator

Tasha discovered her passion for Motion Design and VFX by being a big fan of movie and TV title openers. She loves breaking down a good opener and learning how to recreate its style and technique which feed into her own style and breadth of work. Her versatile pixel-smithing makes her a powerhouse of ideas and creativity.

Mark teague art director

Mark began as an artist with Disney, helping develop their magical catalog as an Illustrator and Animator in the production pipeline behemoth known as the Mouse House. He later moved to Marvel comics further honing his storytelling skills in Design, Layout & Illustration. Mark has gathered years of production experience on set, in studio and behind camera.

sophie van dijk art director

Hailing from the Netherlands, Sophie brings an international edge to the team. She has over a decade of experience building innovative and bold creative campaigns throughout Europe and America. Sophie loves to photograph examples of minimalism in street art and architecture, then finds clever ways to embed the real world into design projects.

Travis smith designer, animator & 3D artist

A California native, Travis grew up loving the directorial style of Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa and caught the animation bug from watching the innovative stop motion techniques of Tim Burton. The gaming industry has further expanded his imagination for storytelling and design.